TCL Technology was founded in 1981 with the mission of “Building A Sustainable and Connected Future with Advanced Technology”, focuses on two core industries: display technology and renewable energy photovoltaics. With a global presence of 29 R&D centers and 18 manufacturing bases, it has developed into a globally competitive technology industry group.

Display Technology

As a leading global tech brand in display panels, TCL Technology has developed a globally competiti

Display Technology

Renewable Energy Ph

TCL Technology has established a series of proprietary patents in the renewable energy photovoltaic

 Renewable Energy Ph

Industrial Finance

TCL Technology supports the development of its core business through an industrial finance and inve

  Industrial Finance

Sustainable Development

Adhering to the mission of "Building a Sustainable & Connected Future with AdvancedTechnology", TCL Technology will firmly integrate the concept of sustainable development into the company culture, strategic policies, and implement it in business practice. We will work together with stakeholders to create more comprehensive economic, environmental, and social value, and contribute to building a prosperous and harmonious society and promoting global sustainable development.

reached in R&D investment
reached in R&D investment
kWh of renewable energy electricity usage
kWh of renewable energy electricity usage
reached in safety production investment
reached in safety production investment
"Green Factory"
"Green Factory"